


I loll on the couch
While reflecting creatively,
For hours in the den
As my wife serves iced tea.

Some say –
He’s a snoozer snoozing.
But I say –
I’m just musing.

I contemplate this or that
Pondering my poems today,
Always outside the box
In a novel way.

I stir – a paradigm shift,
Maybe a little word misusing.
But I am project moving
Because I’m really musing.

                              — Charles B. Mayes

Musing © 2013 by Charles B. Mayes.  All Rights Reserved.

Illustrations/graphics supplied by are copyrighted and used with permission.

Recently a friend visited our house and asked me how I got the ideas for my poems.  He said, in humor, that I must sit on the couch musing and my wife would bring me iced tea – thus, the motivation for the poem above.

I appreciate you joining me for this little trip down a lighthearted path today.

When we meditate on God’s Word, the Bible, it is really rewarding.  That is the best muse of all!

Other poems are available in a chapbook titled, A New Year Resolution and Other Poems (including The Missionaries) by Charles B. Mayes. It contains 22 poems. The foreword is written by Dr. P.T. Mammen, Senior Pastor of San Bruno (CA) International Christian Center.

” . . . creative energy evidenced through every line . . .” – Dr. P.T. Mammen

If you would like to purchase a copy of the above book, please fill out the form below and I will get back to you with the description, price, payment, and mailing arrangements.

I would love to do Poetry Reading for your group in the San Jose, California area. If you are interested, please fill out the form below.

If you receive these poems by email, to use my form to answer me, just forget the form on the email and go to the bottom left and click on farsails which will take you to my blog. Then choose this poem and you can use the form with the poem.

Thank you!
