The Nazarene Way

Nazarene Way
Nazarene Way





The Nazarene Way

The “Nazarene Way” street sign:
It’s finally back up to its spot.
A prank, vandalism, who knows?
Many things were thought.

We missed that sign for quite awhile,
For the Way to show,
Over by the church,
To direct people where to go.

It was placed there,
To get those emergency vehicles through,
When disaster strikes and
Catastrophe brews.

But you see, there’s another sign,
On the church roof, away up taller still,
By faith that protects people,
By God’s will.

It’s the Cross of Jesus the Nazarene,
That really shows the Way,
From eternal death,
To eternal life to stay.

So even when the sign was gone
The hope was always there,
The Way was always shown,
Helping people in despair.

And when people are in distress,
Jesus, the Nazarene, still stands,
To show people the Way,
Through to the Promised Land.

— Charles B. Mayes
Copyright © 2012 by Charles B. Mayes.  All Rights Reserved.

Illustrations/graphics supplied by are copyrighted and used with permission.

If you would like to use this poem on your website; in your newsletter; bulletin; speech; sermon; class; etc., you must indicate on the communication that the author is “Charles B. Mayes” and it is “Used by Permission”.  If it is used on a website, please add our website address, or link to which can be connected to from outside this site.  Note:  The illustration is not to be used in any way without permission from

I prayerfully hope that the above poem is a blessing to you.  Thank you for visiting and following this blog.  It means a lot to me.

Other poems are available by the same author in a chapbook titled, A New Year Resolution and Other Poems (including The Missionaries) by
by Charles B. Mayes.  It contains 22 poems.

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