National Night Out

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National Night Out

The first Tuesday of August
Again brings windy weather,
And also people to
National Night out, together.

Volunteers give time
To better their community.
What could be a
Better opportunity?

People surround that huge aerial photo
Which again on the easel sets,
Showing our area in the old days,
Seeing how change has been met.

Ice cream serving –
Bowl after bowl after bowl.
Some toppings “chocolate or caramel?”
Too much whipped cream – “let’s have some control!”

The Environmental Lady
Offering help for the home.
The Balloon Artist shapes
Animals, swords, and heart hats for the dome.

An obstacle course –
Olympic style.
The young ones having fun.
You can see their smiles.

The Cub Scout Pack,
Engaging the crowd,
With events galore,
Everyone laughs out loud.

Emergency Preparedness –
“If we can help just one.”
This our own *CERT*,
Demonstrating readiness when disaster comes.

Gifts for children –
Animal caps, airplanes, bubbles, and light sticks,
Drawing for adults –
Train rides, first aid kits, emergency pack – many picks.

Community Officers engage
Citizens to implement
A neighborhood watch
So they can be more vigilant.

But best of all
It’s a time to gather
Meeting friends – old and new,
Talking neighborhood things that matter.

The first Tuesday of August
On an evening of windy weather
By the Way, let’s meet again
For National Night Out, together.

— Charles B. Mayes
[*Community Emergency Response Team*]

National Night Out © 2015 by Charles B. Mayes. All Rights Reserved.

Illustrations/graphics supplied by are copyrighted and used with permission.

National Night Out (NNO) is sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch.  It promotes relationships between neighborhoods and the police, and community building.  Thousands of communities are involved.

The “By the Way” at the end of this poem has a triple meaning. The meanings are “incidentally”; the name of the location of our local event – which happens to be on the church grounds at “Nazarene Way”; and finally the “Nazarene’s Way”.

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If you would like to use this poem reading as a performance; or on your website; in your newsletter; bulletin; speech; sermon; class; etc., you must indicate on the communication that the author is “Charles B. Mayes” and it is “Used by Permission”. If it is used on a website, please add our website address, or link to which can be connected to from outside this site.

Other poems are available in a chapbook titled, A New Year Resolution and Other Poems (including The Missionaries) by Charles B. Mayes. It contains 22 poems. The foreword is written by Dr. P.T. Mammen, Senior Pastor of San Bruno (CA) International Christian Center.

” . . . creative energy evidenced through every line . . .” – Dr. P.T. Mammen

If you would like to purchase a copy of the above book, please fill out the form below and I will get back to you with the description, price, payment, and mailing arrangements.

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Thank you! – ”As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’ ” (Holy Bible – Acts 17:28)
